
Sunday, December 18, 2011


The world automotive industry were increasing the competition. Motor manufacturers are always competing to get customers as much as possible. Advertising and promotion are highly competitive, improving management and service excellence, until new products are released increasingly competitive and brings the latest technology. To survive these are must always be done by industry players. Late and lost in one small section, competitors, will crush without mercy. The strategy must be qualified so that competition can be dominated.

Yamaha Indonesia 's Tagline (LOGO)
The Most Motorcycle Manufacturing's Beatlle Ever (LOGO)
Automatic motor segments are the property of Yamaha since Mio launched to the market. This product is always on the highest market share in its era. Until a competitor launched a product of its segment to resist Mio dominantcy. Honda Beat was launched with incentive ads and promos to provide high confidence in consumers to products that Honda without gears. Gradually, many consumers who ultimately buy a Honda Beat until outperformed the market share of Mio. Indeed, Mio is the first generation automatic motorbike Indonesia. Because monotonousproduct and without innovation, slowly but surely Mio going to lose by more innovative product. Need for innovation and high Creatifity to defend podium market share a segment of the motor.

honda's Scoopy
Matic motorbike segment market share can be taken over by Honda for its products are more numerous and varied than the Yamaha products. One variation on this segment Honda products are retro matic motorbike. Even Yamaha silent only see the success of its competitors. In this category there is no variant that can be juxtaposed as opposed to Honda products are known by Scoopy. But now Yamaha not remain silent. Yamaha released its new bike in retro background named Yamaha Fino. This is pointed out as a rival 'head to head' her Honda Scoopy. This can be practically too late. However, Yamaha have own reason to unswer it. Inevitablymarket share in Indonesia will broken by Fino. For more kicked off, Fino should have an advantage in the eyes of the competitors. That is if Yamaha did not want to be disappointed. Risks come late should have more value to more ogled. Still a lot of homework after Fino released. The next task is to break the market share sosegment of matic back into the hands of Yamaha and also shift the throne Scoopy in slowly but surely.

meet, Yamaha's Fino, @YIMM, Karawang, Indonesia

Fino feat the Fino's Ambassador, Abdee SLANK

Fino should offer more then what has been offered byScoopy if Yamaha want to win. People mindset to Scoopy as a retro matic motorbike is very strong. To switch it would need a high struggle. Should be more in a variety of things and must havea character. If these are met, it will automatically boost Yamaha’s market share in the segment matic motorbike. With a variety of ways and strategies that can be achieved. The jurys of the market share are potential buyers. They will choose which is better of the various viewpoints. And that's what will win. Last, lets wait how the gait of Fino after its launching.


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